During the reporting period 2022, Caritas Nairobi continued addressing challenges encountered by refugees in urban setting by implementing programs funded through Missio Munich...
In the year 2021, the programme among other milestones commenced the process of developing a regulatory framework with assistance from Fintech Frontiers ....
In 2020, the world was hit severely by the COVID-19 pandemic. We witnessed how the Caritas Nairobi team did everything it took to keep our people and the children in our care,safe.
Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here
Economic and Democratic Reforms have positioned Kenya on the course to become an upper middle-income country
In 2017 sustained efforts were put in place to build a peaceful and cohesive coun-try ahead of the general election...
In 2016, Caritas Nairobi worked to become a more active partner in addressing Kenya’s most pressing problems of poverty. It aimed to apply unique solutions to provide to support communities.
In 2015, Caritas Microfinance Bank was launched, in line with our 2014-2018 Strategic plan of improving access to affordable financial services to households in Nairobi and Kiambu.
During the year 2014, sustained efforts were put in place to build a peaceful and cohesive country, due to conflicts at the county level over scarce resources and community elective posts